温顺的鱼 嘴吹口哨,兜揣梦想 发表于 2021-5-16 07:06:38

漂流瓶 Drift Bottle

已经没有对爱的希望Have lost all the hopes to love沮丧,挫折,困惑Depressed, distressed and bamboozled海边看见一个瓶子See a drift bottle on the seashore准备为未来写些什么Planning to write something For the future不用华丽的词语Not going to use beautiful words就写一个 "等”字Only a "Wait"看谁会有缘Hope someone lucky to find it瓶子扔进海里Throw back to water心反而静下来My heart suddenly quiet就当什么没有发生Nothing ever happened不知道的是Sadly on thing I do not know瓶子被卡在礁石That bottle is stuck in the rock一只寄居蟹生硬的打开瓶塞A hermit crab opened the cap把纸条丢出,钻进去Threw out my note嘴里嘟囔着,真结实Too sturdy, it murmured纸条,静静的下沉Note sunk quietly会在海底 “等”到永远“Wait” will be at the bottom of thesea Forever

虚空哥kong 发表于 2024-5-2 18:23:02

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